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December 11, 2016

Presentation by Dr. Stefano Nativi at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA

September 21, 2015

Presentation by Dr. Stefano Nativi at e-Infrastructures & RDA for data intensive science - pre-RDA Plenary workshops, Paris, France

May 31, 2015

This manuscript explores the impact of Big Data dimensionalities (commonly known as V axes: volume, variety, velocity, veracity, visualization) on the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) and particularly its common digital infrastructure.

June 16, 2013

This paper discusses the challenges for multi-disciplinary interoperability. The recent Brokering approach is introduced; this solution aims at interconnecting the heterogeneous disciplinary and domain service buses, avoiding the imposition of any federated or common specification

April 18, 2012

This paper analyses the main challenges related to integrative interoperability, such as mutual understanding of requirements and methods, theoretical underpinning, and tacit knowledge. To illustrate our contribution to the integrative research, the paper proposes the flexible approach to interoperability, based on mediation and brokering, that has been implemented by the EuroGEOSS research project.

December 31, 2011

Two approaches are possible to achieve the interoperability desired across such systems and data: federating, and brokering. This position paper argues that the former is appropriate to single discipline or domain environments, but that brokering is more scalable and effective in complex multi-disciplinary domains. 


August 10, 2009

We have designed and experimented a new, improved model and technology for the discovery of geospatial resources: an advanced catalog service featuring additional functionalities like mediation and asynchronous distribution. Besides, the described solution addresses another well-recognized issue: the integration of discovery and access services for complex resources-such as EO datasets.

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